Three Modes of Evangelism for Youth Ministry
As you evangelize teenagers around you, you will notice the amazing fruit of sharing Jesus with the lost.
Through Christ, God offers full redemption from our sins, and also from our distorted understanding of gender.
As you evangelize teenagers around you, you will notice the amazing fruit of sharing Jesus with the lost.
For our students to think miracles are unlikely, they are making deeper assumptions about the world.
There are multiple streams of evidence supporting the reliability of the New Testament. As youth ministers, we must respond to questions about biblical reliability with kindness and clarity.
Human performance cannot earn us forgiveness; we need a perfect substitutionary sacrifice who dies in our place (Lev. 17:11; Heb. 9:22).
Apologetics and Bible Study don’t have to be mutually exclusive in youth ministry. Here are two ways you can easily incorporate apologetics into your youth ministry’s regular Bible teaching.
Let us teach teenagers what they believe, the humanity and grace with which to approach someone who believes differently, the discernment to sort truth from error, and a dependence on the work of the Spirit to bring people to new life through the gospel.