How the Book of Daniel Helps Us Lead Our Children to Live Counterculturally
May God use us to help our children be “resolved” in facing contemporary culture, as they grow in knowing and treasuring him day by day.
We can ask God to use our own suffering to bear witness to our children that we have a friend in the flesh and in the fire.
May God use us to help our children be “resolved” in facing contemporary culture, as they grow in knowing and treasuring him day by day.
Daniel is written to give hope to God’s people who find themselves in exile.
“…we Christians ought to be notorious on the campus for our compassion, especially in the classroom.”
For those who believe in Jesus, there is hope that God is bringing an everlasting kingdom.
Parents need to pray for bold faith, believing that God will do his work even in the face of fires that from our perspective seem out of control.
Like Daniel, we want a specific timeline telling us when we will stop suffering, when evil kings will get their due, and when God will finally rescue his people.