Prayer, Puberty, and Parenting: A Review of “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret”
Parents who nurture their own faith, for their own sake, provide something essential to their children.
Instead of “Who knows?” Christians say, “God knows.
Parents who nurture their own faith, for their own sake, provide something essential to their children.
As we focus our lives on knowing and pursuing the person of Christ, many of the formulas we use to attain “success” in parenting fade into the background.
Let the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ bring peace to the campuses across America.
God has proven himself trustworthy; he has proven that he often works in ways we know nothing of until his time is right.
Mary’s faith as she raised Jesus provides us guidance as we parent our children in the known, not-so-known, and unknown.
Unlike Santa, who gives only gifts to nice boys and girls, the real story is that God gave us his only son while we were yet sinners.