When the Personality of Your Youth Group Changes: Living Out the Fruit of the Spirit
One of the most powerful ways youth pastors can ensure the gospel is made clear to students is to embody the gospel in the group’s personality.
This list is neither exhaustive or mandatory, but we hope these suggestions help ground you and your students in Christ at the start of a new school year
One of the most powerful ways youth pastors can ensure the gospel is made clear to students is to embody the gospel in the group’s personality.
Our volunteers are our brothers and sisters in Christ, not simply a means to accomplish our ministry agendas and goals.
Jesus’ discipleship strategy involved inviting others to partner with him in order to spread his influence, and he invites us to do the same in our ministries.
Introducing our middle and high schoolers to the mission field—whether far away or in our own hometowns—is an education in Christian obedience and joy.
Keep reminding parents that the trip is a way for their students to share the love of Jesus with others and to learn cross-culturally from fellow believers.
With proper planning, a mission trip can be both a blessing to people in another location and a significant week of discipleship for our students.