Five Applications for Fruitful Faith in College from a Campus Minister (Student Series 2023)
The best thing you can do to set your students up for spiritual success in college is to help them continually remember Jesus Christ.
We can trust in our faithful, sanctifying, heart-changing God, who is pleased to use our prayers for the good of his kingdom.
The best thing you can do to set your students up for spiritual success in college is to help them continually remember Jesus Christ.
My time in college has taught me that only with God is there joy, hope, and love.
This is how God imparts wisdom: by teaching us what it means to abide in him.
I have to consciously think about why I’m reading my Bible and praying in the mornings – not to perfect my morning routine, but to know Him better.
The peace of the world always depends on circumstances, which means it’s never perfect (there’s always something that could be better, right?) and it never lasts.
If I’m being honest with myself, I used to think Jesus died for my sins, and now the rest was up to me.