Ministering to Teenagers with Challenging Home Lives
We can help teenagers do the holy work of living in the Light—of calling broken things broken, of acknowledging sin and our need for help, and of praying for the Lord’s redemption.
The gospel of the world is about doing but the gospel of Christ is about being.
We can help teenagers do the holy work of living in the Light—of calling broken things broken, of acknowledging sin and our need for help, and of praying for the Lord’s redemption.
Because Jesus unites all of us together in himself, you can draw upon each generation in the church for support as you parent your teenager.
What reminders might parents need as we start the day with our families?
We are delighted to announce the release of a new, gospel-centered book on the topic of single parenting
God kindly reveals ways to strengthen and prioritize your relationship even amid the busy days of child-rearing.
The pathway to conversations about the gospel is often found in life’s everyday moments. It’s in the beautiful ordinary that we have the chance to point our child toward their extraordinary Savior.