One Dad and Three Kids in a Minivan: Evidence of the Indwelling Spirit
When we find ourselves loving our kids well, we are not filled with pride, we are left with praise.
The Holy Spirit is a gift from God the Father that makes us look more and more like Jesus, no matter how exhausting the season of life in which we walk.
When we find ourselves loving our kids well, we are not filled with pride, we are left with praise.
As you evangelize teenagers around you, you will notice the amazing fruit of sharing Jesus with the lost.
All those things that we can’t put into words about our children, the Spirit puts into words for us.
The Spirit rescues our fleshly minds from death and sets our minds on himself, where we find life and peace.
Let the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ bring peace to the campuses across America.
The more I journaled and the more I prayed, the more content I became, knowing that my son was held by God.