Good News for Teens: Will Smith, The Oscars, and “The Slap Heard ‘Round the World”
Though we have been as unkind as Rock and as intensely angry as Smith, Jesus took the deserved blow for us.
I hold securely my Father’s love, a love that grips me rather than leaving me wondering and guessing. He is strong enough to handle my feelings.
Though we have been as unkind as Rock and as intensely angry as Smith, Jesus took the deserved blow for us.
It is not our great works that please the Lord, but Christ’s love that transforms our actions into glorious deeds.
Though our sinful hearts yearn for Hallmark-level love, Jesus offers us a love that is willing to go even to the depths of Hell to reclaim his beloved.
I have to consciously think about why I’m reading my Bible and praying in the mornings – not to perfect my morning routine, but to know Him better.
You will never have a life free from hardship, but trusting God’s love gives you security amid ever-changing mandates and rules.
Slowly my insecurities faded as I realized the security I had in God. I was known, loved, and seen by God.