Our Focus: Advancing Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
Our mission is to equip and empower churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward life-long faith in Jesus Christ.
Our vision is to transform youth ministry so that every student receives grace-filled, gospel-centered and Bible-saturated discipleship in the church and at home.
The number of young people disaffiliating with Christianity each year is staggering— nearly 70% of teenagers who grow up in the church do not return after high-school.
At Rooted, we have a heart for every child to develop faith in Jesus Christ that lasts. The most influential factor in determining whether a child will attend church as an adult is an accurate understanding of the Gospel— God’s unconditional love for sinners through Christ. Therefore, we are equipping leaders and parents throughout the country to practice gospel-centered youth ministry. We long for every child to hear the gospel of grace, be taught the word of God, be mentored and discipled, and be prayed over and for— through their church and at home each week.
Our prayer is that God would use Rooted to transform the next generation. Rooted is aiming to flip the statistic, so that 70% of teenagers stick with their faith!