Why Attend the Rooted Conference?
Whether we’re in the trenches as parents or youth ministers, we need the refreshment that comes through the good news that Jesus provides.
We’re working toward our vision, where every child will experience gospel-centered, grace-filled, Bible-saturated discipleship at church and in the home.
Whether we’re in the trenches as parents or youth ministers, we need the refreshment that comes through the good news that Jesus provides.
In justification, the God of love is pursuing his lost children, reconciling us to himself.
Join us for our annual conference Rooted 2022 on October 6-8, 2022 in Kansas City as we survey 1 Peter together.
For those of you who are overwhelmed today, look to Jesus for the grace, peace and rest that only he can provide.
We wanted to take a moment to highlight a number of the videos on the Rooted YouTube Channel that are from last year’s Rooted 2020 Micro-Conferences.
While our team recovers today from last week’s Rooted conference in Chicago, I thought I’d share the manuscript from my devotional, which opened the conference. We hope our time together blessed all of our attendees as much as…