How Acts Informs Our Summer Missions

A few years ago we were having a discussion about the summer trips for our high school ministry. We had a long history of going to a conference, but many wondered whether our students were missing out by…

Men of Action

Remember that scene in The Princess Bride where Wesley and Buttercup come out of the Fire Swamp having just survived the three terrors: flame spurts, lightning sand, and R.O.U.S’s? No? Then please stop reading immediately and go watch…

Essential Practices of Good Youth Ministry

In this series, “What Acts Teaches Us About Youth Ministry,” we are considering the way the apostles did ministry as described in the Book of Acts. Of course, the apostles were not doing youth ministry per say, but we can…

Youth Ministry and the Tyranny of the Urgent

In this series, “What Acts Teaches Us About Youth Ministry,” we are considering the way the apostles did ministry as described in the Book of Acts. Of course, the apostles were not doing youth ministry per say, but we can…