One Dad and Three Kids in a Minivan: Evidence of the Indwelling Spirit
When we find ourselves loving our kids well, we are not filled with pride, we are left with praise.
When a father leads the way in submitting to Christ, it can have a profound effect on the rest of his family
When we find ourselves loving our kids well, we are not filled with pride, we are left with praise.
My husband meets our sons where they are, and loves them because they are his.
Our children have had a front row seat to see their father grapple with the power of the gospel and the way of Christ.
In these days leading up to Father’s Day, take time to check in with the fatherless kids in your churches, neighborhoods, and social circles.
I needed the Lord’s help to surrender what I loved (sports) to grow into someone who could enjoy what my daughters loved (music).
We help our children – foster, biological, adopted, and step– know that we all have access to the living water that Jesus promised.