On the Other Side of Saturday: A Holy Week Meditation
Even as I preach the gospel of rest and acceptance to myself, those ugly performance idols keep rearing up, beckoning me to worship achievement above Jesus.
May you be blessed by Isaiah’s words as you remember the depths to which Jesus went to save his beloved children.
Even as I preach the gospel of rest and acceptance to myself, those ugly performance idols keep rearing up, beckoning me to worship achievement above Jesus.
The Maker of my soul is also the Lover of my soul. Truly, this is the God who cares to number the hairs on our heads.
Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, for the trajectory of the cross is beautifully absurd.
God delights in showing his power through our weakness. But we must be willing to journey though Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday.
What I thought was surely dead, God resurrected. He humbled me to see that he works best with misfits and dead-end streets.
We are saved not by our own good works, but by trusting in the work of Christ in his life. Still, Jesus has commended the practice of fasting.