Family Discipleship Curriculum

Family Discipleship Curriculum


Whether you’re a pastor serving in family ministry, or a parent in the thick of raising kids, Rooted’s Family Discipleship Courses were created to equip you to disciple the children and teenagers in your life.

Family Discipleship Curriculum & Courses

Eleven different parenting video courses from the experts, each with their own Bible study curriculum
Basic Parenting Principles

Five family discipleship courses all in one package to lay the foundation of Biblical principles for parenting kids at any age.

  • Gospel 101
  • Idolatry in Parenting
  • Shame & Grace in Parenting
  • Law & Gospel in Parenting
  • Parenting Across Cultures
Discipling Your Children

A four-course package perfect for parents of children from 0-18 years old.

  • Train Up a Child: The Spiritual and Psychological Development of Children
  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Young Children
  • Idolatry in Parenting 
  • Law and Gospel in Parenting
Discipling Your Teenagers

A four course package developed with parents of teenagers in mind.

  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Teenagers 
  • Talking to Our Children About Sex
  • Pornography and Parenting
  • Navigating Technology: Girls and Social Media, Boys and Video Games

Need access to all the courses?

Bundle and save with these additional options!

Family Discipleship Bundle

Includes the following courses:

  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Young Children
  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Teenagers
  • Law & Gospel in Parenting
  • Shame & Grace in Parenting
  • Idolatry in parenting
  • Parenting Across Cultures
  • Gospel 101
  • Talking to your Child about Sex
  • Missions
  • Parenting and Pornography
  • Navigating Technology: Girls and Social Media, Boys and Video Games

Purchase for a discounted price of $175/year ($180/yr total value)

BUY NOW – $175/year

Youth Ministry & Family Discipleship Bundle

Includes all 11 family Discipleship Courses listed to the left, plus 4 youth ministry courses, including 52 training videos for youth ministry staff and volunteers:

  • New to Youth Ministry Training
  • Head Pastor / Elder Training
  • Bible Study Leader Training
  • Youth Ministry Volunteer Training

Purchase for a discounted price of $250/year (a $275/yr total value)

BUY NOW – $250/year

For a Sneak Peek at Rooted’s Family Discipleship Courses, watch here…

Delight In Reading Catechisms with Your Children – Collin Hansen

Talking to Your Kids About Sex – A Tone of Grace – Cameron Cole

The Gospel for Parenting Teenagers – David Zahl

Courses and Classes

Check out the wide variety of courses and classes that are available through the different Rooted Reservoir plan options!
  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Young Children

    A course designed for parents who want to help their children grow spiritually in the early years. In this course, parents will learn about valuable tools such as Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, and more in this course. 

    Classes Include: 

    • The Duty and Delight of Catechizing Your Children | Collin Hansen
    • How to Make Family Worship the Highlight of Your Day | Collin Hansen
    • Your Family is the Church’s Business | Collin Hansen
    • Why We Need Spiritual Practices to Teach Our Kids the Gospel | Cameron Cole
    • Catechizing Our Children in the Gospel | Cameron Cole
    • Reading the Bible With Your Child | Tara Davis
    • Partnering in Prayer: Praying With Your Child |Tara Davis
    • Catechizing Your Child With a Gospel Identity | Cameron Cole
    • Praying For Your Child | Cameron Cole
    • Panel: Discipleship Practices for Parents of Young Children  | David Zahl, Collin Hansen, Tara Davis, Cameron Cole
  • Shame and Grace in Parenting

    This course explores the dynamics of the honor-shame worldview within the home, particularly as it relates to parenting. Parents will learn how the gospel informs family practices within an honor-shame dynamic 

    Classes include: 

    • Intro: Power of Shame | Clark Fobes
    • Honor-Shame Worldview | Clark Fobes
    • The Value of Honor-Shame | Clark Fobes
    • The Gospel of Honor-Shame | Peter Ong 
    • A Conversation about Honor-Shame in Parenting | Peter Ong and Clark Fobes 
    • Panel: Shame and Grace in Parenting |Peter Ong, Kevin Yi, Katie Polski, Clark Fobes


  • Law and Gospel in Parenting

    In this course, parents will learn about the theological distinction between the law and the gospel, as well as how both inform parenting practices. This course addresses issues of performance, discipline, and justification for the weary parent. 

    Classes include: 

    • Commands and Conditions: A Quick Primer on the Law | David Zahl
    • Promises and Proclamations: A Quick Primer on the Gospel | David Zahl
    • Two Words, One God | David Zahl
    • Parenting Your Actual Child, Not the Child You Imagine | Gil Kracke
    • But What About Discipline? | Gil Kracke
    • Justified by School Decals? | David Zahl
    • Performancism in the Heart, Performancism in the Home | David Zahl
    • Of Course You’re Going to Fail, and That’s Okay |David Zahl and Gil Kracke
    • Panel: Law and Gospel in Parenting | David Zahl, Anna Meade Harris, Peter Ong, Katie Polski, Gil Kracke
  • Parenting Across Cultures

    This course was deigned with parents from non-Western cultures in mind, though Western parents will benefit as well to learn about parenting the new cross-cultural world of Generation Z. 

    Classes include: 

    • Cross-Cultural World of Gen-Z | Clark Fobes
    • Cultural Paradigms Around the World | Clark Fobes
    • Acknowledging Our Cultural Lens | Clark Fobes
    • The Cultural Paradigm of Gen-Z | Clark Fobes
    • Blind Spots: Cultural Context in Gospel Discipleship | Peter Ong
    • Panel: Parenting Across Cultures | Peter Ong, Alton Hardy, Clark Fobes
  • Idolatry in Parenting

    We all struggle with idolatry, and parenting is no exception. In this course, licensed counselor Julie Sparkman helps parents recognize and repent of the ways they may have made an idol out of their child. 

    Classes include: 

    • Six Signs Your Child May Have Become Your Idol | Julie Sparkman
    • Parenting is Your Highest Calling: The Myth that May Crush You and Your Kids | Julie Sparkman
    • Panel: Idolatry in Parenting | Julie Sparkman, Peter Ong, Katie Polski
  • Gospel 101

     Here at Rooted, we always want to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, many of us have heard this term yet do not know what it means or how it affects our day-to-day lives. In these three classes,  pastors Alton Hardy, Cameron Cole, and Kevin Yi offer a presentation of the good news—the gospel—of Jesus Christ. As you watch these videos, we hope that you will be inspired to parent out of a posture of the rest, peace, and freedom that comes from the gospel. 

    Classes include: 

    • Why Did Jesus Come to Earth? | Alton Hardy 
    • Mephibosheth and the God of Grace | Cameron Cole 
    • The God Who Hears | Kevin Yi 
  • Discipleship Practices for Parents of Teenagers

    In this course, parents will learn how to disciple their child through the teenage years. This course covers spiritual practices such as Bible reading, prayer, service, repentance, and more. 

    Classes Include: 

    • Cultivating a Relationship with Jesus: Praying with Your Teen | Katie Polski 
    • Cultivating a Heart of Service: Serving with Your Teen | Katie Polski 
    • Cultivating an Excitement for Eternity: Having Conversations with Your Teen About the New Heavens and New Earth | Katie Polski 
    • Cultivating a Love for God’s Church: Worshiping With Your Teen | Katie Polski 
    • Cultivating a Heart for God’s Word: Reading the Bible With Your Teen | Katie Polski 
    • Cultivating a Love for God in the Everydayness | Anna Meade Harris
    • Cultivating a Heart of Repentance with your Teen | Anna Meade Harris
    • Identity Theft: The Truth about Fraudulent Discipleship | Peter Ong
    • Inside Out: Discipling Our Teens’ Emotions | Peter Ong
    • Have Mercy: A Reversed Discipleship | Peter Ong
    • Panel: Discipleship Practices for Parents of Teenagers | Katie Polski, Anna Meade Harris, Peter Ong
  • Talking to Our Children About Sex

    Do you fret the dreaded “birds and bees” conversation? This course was designed to help you talk about sex with your children in a healthy and biblical way. Parents will learn how to approach these tough conversations with grace, empathy, and a biblical narrative. 

    Classes Include: 

    • Our Sexual Story and God’s | Liz Edrington 
    • What is Sex for? | Liz Edrington 
    • Singleness and the Family of God | Liz Edrington
    • Imago Dei and Teaching Our Kids to See | Liz Edrington 
    • The Tone of Conversations about Sex: Grace | Cameron Cole
    • The Answer to Questions about Sex: Biblical Narrative | Cameron Cole
    • The Context of Conversations About Sex: Intimacy | Cameron Cole
    • How to Engage with Sex in the Media |  Cameron Cole 
    • Answering Common Questions about Sex | Liz Edrington and Cameron Cole
  • Pornography and Parenting
    Unfortunately, as fallen creatures living in a fallen world, it’s inevitable that at some point, our children will encounter false representations of sex either online or in the media. This course was designed to prepare both you and your child for that moment. If you have ever wanted to tackle the sensitive subject of pornography with your child but haven’t known where to begin, this course is for you. Parents will learn from Licensed Counselor Adam Calvert and Children, Youth, and Family Pastor Cameron Cole about topics such as: the neuroscience of pornography, the anatomy of addiction, how to talk to your child about pornography, and more. Most importantly, parents will learn how to approach this topic in a gospel-centered and grace-filled way.

    Classes in this course include:
    1) The Neuroscience of Pornography | Adam Calvert
    2) Talking With Your Child About Pornography | Adam Calvert
    3) Using a Tone of Grace | Cameron Cole
    4) False Core Beliefs and Pornography Addiction | Adam Calvert
    5) Shame and Gospel Identity | Cameron Cole
    6) Getting to the Heart | Cameron Cole
    7) Panel: Developmental Truths to Remember with Technology
    8) Panel: Theological Truths to Remember with Technology
  • Train Up a Child: The Spiritual and Psychological Development of Children
    Have you ever thought about how your child’s physical development factors into their spiritual life? In this course, Dr. Brent Bounds wants to help you do just that. Bounds walks parents through the stages of development that occur from birth- early adolescence. He explains how the developmental shifts that occur in each stage can help you train up your child in the faith. Parents will learn about the key truths of each stage, the best ways to communicate with their growing child, and how to use developmental milestones as opportunities to point their children to Jesus.

    Classes in this course include:
    1) Introduction: Development and Our Understanding of God | Dr. Brent Bounds
    2) Birth- 18 Months | Dr. Brent Bounds
    3) Preschool Years | Dr. Brent Bounds
    4) Elementary Years | Dr.Brent Bounds
    5) Early Adolescence | Dr. Brent Bounds
  • Navigating Technology: Girls and Social Media; Boys and Video Games
    It would be hard to find a household that is free from the presence of either social media or video games. Given their ubiquity, writer and reporter Sarah Zylstra wants to help parents understand how they can faithfully navigate how their child uses both social media and video games. In this course, parents will learn: how these two technologies became so popular, what’s positive and what’s harmful about them, as well as some helpful practices both parents and children can implement to make the best use of their time with social media and video games.

    Classes in this course include:
    1) How We Got Here: Why Your Child is Addicted to Social Media | Sarah Zylstra
    2) Social Media From a Reformed Perspective: What’s Good and What’s Broken about Social Media | Sarah Zylstra
    3) Best Practices (For You and For Your Child) WIth Social Media | Sarah Zylstra
    4) How We Got Here: Why Your Child is Addicted to Video Games | Sarah Zylstra
    5) Video Games From a Reformed Perspective: What’s Good and What’s Broken about Video Games | Sarah Zylstra
    6) Best Practices (For You and For Your Child) WIth Video Games | Sarah Zylstra
    7) Panel: Developmental Truths to Remember with Technology | Sarah Zylstra
    8) Panel: Theological Truths to Remember with Technology | Sarah Zylstra
Dr. Brent Bounds, Featured Speaker

Dr. Brent Bounds is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York City where he works with individuals, children and families. He also teaches courses on marriage and parenting at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Brent received his M.A. in Biblical Studies and Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary and his PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fordham University. He and his wife, Jenni have three boys.

Adam Calvert, Featured Speaker

Adam is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist and Supervisor (CSAT-S)*. He received his M.A. and Ed.S in Agency Counseling from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He also has a B.S. degree in Marketing from Jacksonville State University and a M.S. in Public Relations from the University of Southern Mississippi. He has served on several professional boards in the mental health profession and has been in the counseling industry for 20+ years. He and his wife, Mandy, are the parents of two sons.  

Cameron Cole, Featured Speaker

Cameron Cole has been the Director of Youth Ministries for eighteen years at the Church of the Advent, and in January of 2016 his duties expanded to include Children, Youth, and Families. He is the founding chairman of Rooted Ministry, an organization that promotes gospel-centered youth ministry. He is the co-editor of “Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practice Guide” (Crossway, 2016). Cameron is the author of Therefore, I Have Hope: 12 Truths that Comfort, Sustain, and Redeem in Tragedy (Crossway, 2018), which won World Magazine’s 2018 Book of the Year (Accessible Theology) and was runner up for The Gospel Coalition’s Book of the Year (First-Time Author). He is also the co-editor of The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School (New Growth Press) and the author of Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change Your Life on Earth (Crossway, 2024). Cameron is a cum laude graduate of Wake Forest University undergrad and summa cum laude graduate from Wake Forest with an M.A. in Education. He holds a Masters in Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary.

Tara Davis, Featured Speaker

Tara is a native of Birmingham. She attended the University of Georgia, where she majored in early childhood education and also earned a masters in elementary education from UAB. She has ten years of teaching experience in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama. In 2019, Tara was named Teacher of the Year at Crestline Elementary in Mountain Brook, Alabama. In the same year, she also won the Ann Pritchard Award for Excellence in Teaching, a distinction given to the top teacher in the Mountain Brook School System. In 2020, Tara joined the staff at Cathedral Church of the Advent and serves as the Director of Children’s Ministry and Nursery. Tara is married to Kyle and has two children, Hudson (8) and Reagan (5). 

Liz Edrington, Featured Speaker

Liz Edrington serves as the Fellowship Groups and Young Adults Director at North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Covenant College. She received her M.A. in Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL, and she has worked with students in one form or another since 2002. She is the author of Rooted and Grounded in Love: An Anxiety Devotional for Students (P&R Publishing, 2023). She’s delighted to live at the base of a mountain with her golden retriever, Bella, and she finds joy in tasting new things.

Clark Fobes, Featured Speaker

Clark is the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church of San Francisco, a diverse congregation in the heart of the City. Prior to serving at First Baptist, he served in both Student Pastor and Worship Pastor roles in the Asian American and Asian immigrant Church. He is also a Rooted Steering Committee emeritus member. He received his M.Div at Talbot School of Theology and is a Doctor of Missiology Candidate (D.Miss) at Southern Seminary. Clark is half White and half Korean, and he and his wife Janet have two young daughters.

Collin Hansen, Featured Speaker

Collin Hansen serves as vice president for content and editor in chief of The Gospel Coalition. He hosts the Gospelbound podcast and has written and contributed to many books, most recently Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential and the forthcoming Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation. He has published with The New York Times and The Washington Post and offered commentary for CNN, Fox News, NPR, BBC, ABC News, and PBS NewsHour. He edited Our Secular Age: Ten Years of Reading and Applying Charles Taylor and The New City Catechism Devotionalamong other books. He is a member of Iron City Church in Birmingham, Alabama, and he is an adjunct professor at Beeson Divinity School, where he also co-chairs the advisory board.

Alton Hardy, Featured Speaker

Alton is an ordained teaching elder of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He is also the Co-founder of Urban Hope Development in Fairfield, AL. Alton is a native of Selma, AL and resided in Louisville, KY and Grand Rapids, MI for many years before returning to Alabama. Alton’s educational background includes a degree from Alpena Community College, Reformed Bible College, Calvin Seminary and a Certificate of Completion from Antioch Leadership Training in Reformed Preaching. Alton is happily married to Sandra and they have five children. In his free time, he enjoys reading and watching sports. Alton is passionate about addressing the conditions facing urban communities. 

Anna Meade Harris, Featured Speaker

Anna is a single mom of three young adult sons. She is the Senior Director of Content at Rooted, co-host of the Rooted Parent podcast, a member of Church of the Cross in Birmingham, AL, and the author of God’s Grace for Every Family: Biblical Encouragement for Single Parent Families and the Churches That Seek to Love Them Well (Zondervan, 2024). She also wrote Fresh Faith: Topical Devotions and Scripture-Based Prayers for College Students. In her free time, Anna enjoys gardening, great books, running, hiking, hammocks, and ice cream. She wants to live by a mountain stream in Idaho someday.

Gil Kracke, Featured Speaker

Gil Kracke is the Director of Ministries and Programs at the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama. He has received a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Trinity College at the University of Bristol (England), another in Counseling from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and a Doctor of Ministry from Knox Theological Seminary. A licensed professional counselor, Gil also has the privilege of serving as the Director of Covenant Counseling and Education Center. He is married with two daughters. 

Peter Ong, Featured Speaker

Peter Ong serves at Living Faith Community Church as Ministry Director and the Chair of the Living Faith Community Development Corporation, with a desire to continue bringing renewal to the community as he seeks to minister to the church and the community. He also works at LEADNYC as an advisor for Flourish 2030 Advisor, 10 ZIP Codes Project to thoughtfully and effectively serve the most at-risk and underserved neighborhoods of New York City. 

Peter graduated with a B.A. in English and a Minor in Philosophy and East Asian Studies from New York University. He received his M.A. in Urban Missions from Westminster Theological Seminary through the City Seminary of New York. He is a certified Church Multiplication Ministries Coach and works with Redeemer City to City’s training and teaches Church Planters in their Incubator Program. 

Katie Polski, Featured Speaker

Katie is a writer, teacher, and speaker. She is married to Chris, a PCA pastor at Trinity Church in St. Louis, MO, and is a mother to three wonderful kids. Katie works as the Director of Music Ministries and Special Events at Trinity, serves on the Women’s Ministry Committee, and writes for several Christian ministries and organizations. Katie is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Theology from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. More information can be found on her website at

Julie Sparkman, Featured Speaker

Julie Sparkman is the co-founder of Restore Counseling Ministries. She received her B.S. degree from University of Florida and her Masters degree in Counseling and Psychology from Troy University. She has been in private practice as a pastoral counselor since 1999. Julie is a frequent speaker and author of three video-teaching series: “Idol Addiction,” “Unhitching From the Crazy Train,” and “Six Weeks to Sane Thinking.” In addition, Julie co-hosts the podcast, Head to Heart – Connecting What You Know to How You Live, with Anna Nash.Julie and her husband Wes have been married over 30 years and have three children and two grandchildren.

Kevin Yi, Featured Speaker

Kevin Yi is the college and young adults pastor at Church Everyday in Northridge, CA and has been serving youth students for over 16 years. He was a bi-vocational pastor for most of this time and has been in the animation industry for over 13 years. He is the founder of He and his wife Tracy are celebrating thirteen years of marriage together and have three children: Caden, Isabella, and Ian. Kevin just completed his Master of Arts in Theology at Talbot Theological Seminary. 

David Zahl, Featured Speaker

David Zahl is the director of Mockingbird Ministries and editor-in-chief of the Mockingbird website. Born in New York City and brought up elsewhere, David graduated from Georgetown University in 2001, and then worked for several years as a youth minister in New England. In 2007 he founded Mockingbird in NYC. Today David and his wife Cate reside in Charlottesville, VA with their three boys, where David also serves on the staff of Christ Episcopal Church. He is the author of A Mess of Help: From the Crucified Soul of Rock N’ Roll and co-author of Law and Gospel: A Theology for Sinners (and Saints). His most recent book, Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technlogy, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What To Do About It, appeared in 2019 from Fortress Press. Even after all these years, he’s still mourning the end of Calvin and Hobbes (and hoping that Morrissey and Marr will bury the hatchet). His favorite theologian is probably a cross between Johnny Cash, Flannery O’Connor and his brother Simeon.

Sarah Zylstra, Featured Speaker

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra is senior writer and faith-and-work editor for The Gospel Coalition. She is also the coauthor of Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age and editor of Social Sanity in an Insta WorldBefore that, she wrote for Christianity Today, homeschooled her children, freelanced for a local daily paper, and taught at Trinity Christian College. She earned a BA in English and communication from Dordt University and an MSJ from Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. She lives with her husband and two sons in Kansas City.