Serving Teenagers from Immigrant Families
Our Savior calls us to love all our neighbors, whatever their culture and wherever their native home.
As youth ministers who desire to meet, encourage, and care for parents, our confidence comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Savior calls us to love all our neighbors, whatever their culture and wherever their native home.
We hosted a Rooted Webinar titled Navigating the Holiday Season as a Youth or Family Minister, in which we explored how to shepherd teenagers through the holidays with the grace of the gospel.
Jesus helps us integrate what we do with who we are becoming by his Spirit.
We asked our Rooted writers to share their ideas for including grandparents (and grandparent figures) in their ministry to teenagers.
Parents are irreplaceable and need to be engaged, encouraged, and equipped so that they can lead their homes in partnership with the local church.
Because of who he is, I have the freedom to come to him with open hands, tears in my eyes, and weariness in my bones.