A Bad Trade: Helping Teenagers See Sexual Sin Clearly
Friends, this is why we’re in youth ministry. We want our students to know the joy of walking with Jesus as their greatest treasure!
Through Christ, God offers full redemption from our sins, and also from our distorted understanding of gender.
Friends, this is why we’re in youth ministry. We want our students to know the joy of walking with Jesus as their greatest treasure!
There are a hundred things Jesus asks us to say no to when we follow him. But he’s done the hardest thing by dying in our place.
May our youth ministries be brave places where all students belong, where grace and truth exist in equal measure, and where the good news of Jesus rescues students wrestling with sexuality and gender just as he has rescued us.
By your Spirit, please help me to embody the grace and truth of the gospel, of your beloved Son who is Grace and Truth in a Person.
If we hope to capture our students’ longing for a more gracious vision of sex, we need the Holy Spirit to breathe life into our teaching.
While Christian parents may have grave disagreements with the principles surrounding transgenderism, we have to form children who respect and protect the human dignity of every person.