Dear Parents, Play the Long Game
Let’s play the long game while actively anticipating what God will accomplish in the lives of our children.
“Don’t panic. Pray for perspective. We put our trust in a God who is lovingly in control of every single detail in our teenager’s life.”
Let’s play the long game while actively anticipating what God will accomplish in the lives of our children.
Having your children sit next to you in church will shape them in far greater ways than if they stayed out of the main worship gathering until they were older.
Teens push us to the limits, and when we see our limits, we see Jesus as He is: our Savior. Rely on Him.
In the changes and transitions we face as parents, Christ is our sure and steady anchor. Lean into Him with your worries and hold none of them back.
I want to serve students in a way that won’t only get them to the end of high school with a growing faith; I want to serve them in a way that empowers them to get to “the Day,” the “telos” (the end), with their faith.
In the midst of this familiar struggle to be significant, we must remind ourselves of what God has called us to, letting the Spirit work out the truth in our lives.