Gospel Encouragement for the Parent of a Lonely Child
As we bring our anxieties about our lonely child before God, we can grow to trust in the goodness of God and his plan for our child’s life.
In my teens and twenties, I wrestled with my need and longing to be known and loved by my parents in ways I could comprehend. With a language barrier in the home, it was a challenge just to communicate about superficial matters, never mind the deep things.
As we bring our anxieties about our lonely child before God, we can grow to trust in the goodness of God and his plan for our child’s life.
Sexuality, as seen in the story of Scripture, is not first and foremost about rules.
We love our children by hoping and believing that with God’s help, they can grow in the things that are challenging for them.
The gospel reminds us that we are not alone, giving parents the hope and security we need as we share life with our teenagers.
The gospel meets me in this moment and every moment when I blow it with my kids.
Keep reminding parents that the trip is a way for their students to share the love of Jesus with others and to learn cross-culturally from fellow believers.