Reality, Response, Remedy: A Word of Grace for Fearful Parents
The gospel invites us to behold and believe that God’s presence is sufficient in moments of fear and uncertainty in our parenting.
God does not need us to be gods for our children, he only wants parents to remember we are his children too.
The gospel invites us to behold and believe that God’s presence is sufficient in moments of fear and uncertainty in our parenting.
Youth minister, take courage that the gospel you preach to teenagers is the very words of eternal life (John 6:68) for students who are anxious, distracted, lonely, and needing purpose.
The Spirit rescues our fleshly minds from death and sets our minds on himself, where we find life and peace.
As we bring our anxieties about our lonely child before God, we can grow to trust in the goodness of God and his plan for our child’s life.
For the adolescent who has an extra level of desiring to belong, it’s particularly painful to feel like you’re on the outside of “the good life.”
Our kids are not saved by their demonstrations of the brightest enthusiasm for all things church-y.