How to Help Your Child Faithfully Navigate Video Games (Rooted 2023 Workshop Preview)
Given the changes in the industry, it’s worth asking the questions: what does God-honoring play look like?
Youth minister, take courage that the gospel you preach to teenagers is the very words of eternal life (John 6:68) for students who are anxious, distracted, lonely, and needing purpose.
Given the changes in the industry, it’s worth asking the questions: what does God-honoring play look like?
Parents can turn to the timeless wisdom of God’s Word when they face the difficultly of navigating smartphones.
Perritt wants to help teenagers understand how God enters in and transforms our relationship to social media.
“With appropriate accountability, older teens may benefit from more freedom with their phones while still under the protective cover of our home.”
We help our kids develop a Christ-influenced filter so that they can learn to use their devices and the internet wisely.
Let’s formulate ways to help our parents shape their teenagers into the kinds of people who use technology in a God-glorifying, healthy, and productive way.