Ask Rooted: How Do You Care for Your Soul As A Youth Minister?
My ministry role does not define me—Jesus does.
God kindly reveals ways to strengthen and prioritize your relationship even amid the busy days of child-rearing.
My ministry role does not define me—Jesus does.
When you can humbly confess your own struggles with failure, time, and money, then you’ll be better equipped to have these conversations with your teenagers.
During the pandemic, increased sleep and increased connection led to greater resilience, even in the face of greater stress.
Our live Q and A from the 2020 Rooted Conference features experienced youth ministers answering your questions.
When we ultimately forget to send that email, forget about a meeting, or overlook an important text, there is abundant grace in the gospel…We are saved by grace through the victorious work of Jesus. And He invites us to participate in a finished work.
I had done it again. In a couple of spots in my calendar I saw where I needed to have two children in two different places at the same time. (Double-booking seems to be my self-torture method of…