How and Why to Develop a Mission Statement for Your Youth Ministry
Why does your ministry exist? It’s a vital question, and one that is often answered in a mission or vision statement.
Jesus lived his entire life on earth with one goal: to do his Father’s business, regardless of what people thought or how long it took. Let us have the same singular focus as well.
Why does your ministry exist? It’s a vital question, and one that is often answered in a mission or vision statement.
No two youth ministries look exactly the same, so take time to explore how you can best cultivate an environment where students are introduced to Jesus and can know others and be known.
Be faithful to the calling you have received. That faithfulness will combat the jealousy of being compared and will provide you courage as you lead students to look to Jesus more than to human leadership.
Keeping your heart near Jesus is literally part of your job description. How can we proclaim the gospel to students if we’re not experiencing God’s grace in sending Jesus to live and die in our place?
Alone at 10:30 p.m. in a dark, smelly youth room, I got down on my knees to pick up a half-eaten chicken wing off the stained carpet floor. I remember pausing and looking around. This was not what…
Resting in the good news that God in his mercy saves us from our sin and uses us in our weakness frees us to soak in the gospel of grace throughout each day in ministry.