For Parents Near the End of Senior Year
Oh, the places they will go! and oh, how grateful we are for the God who goes with them.
The weekly gathering provided time for students to eat, fellowship, and find some refuge from the pressures of their senior year.
Oh, the places they will go! and oh, how grateful we are for the God who goes with them.
Young people weren’t in the minor leagues waiting to be called up, but serving right alongside Jesus in all the messiness of their adolescent development.
The more I journaled and the more I prayed, the more content I became, knowing that my son was held by God.
God’s faithfulness to my son is not contingent upon me keeping my cool, or having the exact right thing to say, or making the best decisions.
I pray that you discover and rest in the complete welcome and acceptance of God’s loving embrace.
God’s grip on His children is firm, in the midst of disease and political tension and racial injustice… and in the transition from high school to college.