Showing Teenagers How Science Points to God As Creator
Many young Christians have their faith shattered when academic authorities propound Darwinian evolution as established science and ridicule those who advance God as Creator.
We want to provide teaching about science that will give students confidence in the Scriptures—without causing them to think they must disengage from scientific enquiry.
Many young Christians have their faith shattered when academic authorities propound Darwinian evolution as established science and ridicule those who advance God as Creator.
This year, our students have seen so much with their physical eyes…But the gospel message John offers here is a call to see something beautiful, powerful, and compelling.
Increased skepticism in our culture and a growing buzz among Christians about the relationship between science and faith has led many of us to give more thoughtful focus to these questions in our ministries.
Ever since Greta Thunberg made U.S. headlines in September speaking to the U.N. Climate Action Summit, I have wondered, What would Jesus say to Greta? Greta is a 16-year-old Swedish girl who started acting on her climate change convictions…
“Did you hear that Bill has cancer?” “No, I did not. That is so sad.” “Well, the doctors think he will have a good outcome because he is going to start a new cancer medicine called Brutax…
Jarett Van Tine continues his article on how to teach our students about biblical creation in a secular world. Start off with Part 1 here. Let’s examine the principle for determining truth conveyed by many public school science…