The Ultimate Judge: How Jesus as Judge Shapes Our Parenting
The good news for parents is that when we err in judgment, we have a perfect judge in Jesus Christ, the one who ultimately makes all things right.
The Jesus I came to know did not ask me to just try harder fix myself, but to come to him in honest confession of my sin, trusting his power to save.
The good news for parents is that when we err in judgment, we have a perfect judge in Jesus Christ, the one who ultimately makes all things right.
As parents, let us remember that while we can offer our own advice in the midst of trials, Jesus has the ultimate street cred.
Parents, when a child suffers physically, you can know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus cares for their bodies as much as he cares about their souls.
As you plan your summer teaching series or look towards the fall, here are three reasons to consider studying “Knowing Jesus” with your youth group
Coming to grips with our radical need before God puts all of the struggles our teenagers have (and our struggles, for that matter) in proper perspective.
We remind our kids each day that God lights our way in deepest darkness and that his faithful presence can give us hope when all life’s other lights grow dim.