Finding Wisdom in Blending Families
Being a neighbor to my stepchildren does not mean I will never be a disciplinarian, teacher, mentor, or authority figure. It simply means that I lead with love.
God chose you to parent your child, not because he thought you could do it without mistakes, but because God knows exactly what your child needs.
Being a neighbor to my stepchildren does not mean I will never be a disciplinarian, teacher, mentor, or authority figure. It simply means that I lead with love.
Understanding who you are before God is a sign of wisdom, not weakness.
Jesus didn’t just tell people how to live, but invited them to walk with him in the way of sacrificial love.
With confidence in his grace and his example, we can apply discipline in a way that honors our Father and reflects his love for us.
Our challenge as parents is to teach the Proverbs without turning God’s Word into a tool to control our kids.
The fullness of Christ means there is always enough love, forgiveness, truth, grace, and patience for every teen, parent, and youth minister.