When the Personality of Your Youth Group Changes: Living Out the Fruit of the Spirit
One of the most powerful ways youth pastors can ensure the gospel is made clear to students is to embody the gospel in the group’s personality.
Youth minister, take courage that the gospel you preach to teenagers is the very words of eternal life (John 6:68) for students who are anxious, distracted, lonely, and needing purpose.
One of the most powerful ways youth pastors can ensure the gospel is made clear to students is to embody the gospel in the group’s personality.
Youth minister, on those discouraging nights when many of your regular kids are missing, don’t forget to preach the gospel to yourself.
Games help to create a culture of welcome that draws teenagers into gospel community.
Here are four takeaways about Gen Z and “Polars” for youth ministers, along with some encouragement for responding from a gospel framework.
We get to tell teenagers the good news that neither they nor their peers need to earn their place. Jesus offers us his radical welcome, and then he empowers us to live in a new way.
Only when students have been welcomed by Christ through the gospel and know who they are in him will they even have the desire to welcome others.