Parenting Through the Seasons: He Will Hold Me Fast
As my children get older, and as my grip slowly loosens on their daily lives, God’s grip on my life and my children’s has never, and will never, change or loosen.
Even expected and desired milestones bring with them fears, causing parents to recalibrate their expectations and emotions.
As my children get older, and as my grip slowly loosens on their daily lives, God’s grip on my life and my children’s has never, and will never, change or loosen.
Because Jesus has radically welcomed us into his family, we have the opportunity to remind students that we belong to each other.
Concentrating on the immutable character of God will not make a season of change easy, but his steadiness can steady you and your child.
Here is a basic timeline we use to help introduce incoming college freshmen into on-campus Christian community and a church body.
The Gospel teaches parents that we are to encourage certain childlike qualities in our teenagers even as we lead them into spiritual maturity.
Teens push us to the limits, and when we see our limits, we see Jesus as He is: our Savior. Rely on Him.