Virtual Access to Rooted 2024 is now available for purchase. This access includes all six main sessions and 20+ workshops and panels. Purchase your access today, and download the Rooted App today to watch conference content from years prior.

Daniel Curriculum
A Rooted Short Study
In this 8 lesson curriculum you can walk students through the book of Daniel, chapters 1-7. This study has everything you and your volunteers need to teach this sermon, complete with week by week student and leader guides, all for $60.
Buy Now – $60A gospel-centered conference for youth ministers and parents of teens.
Equipping and empowering churches and parents to faithfully disciple teenagers to lifelong faith in
Jesus Christ. Join us for music, fellowship, speakers, and workshops.
A Look at Past Main Session Speakers

Senior Director of Content

To hear main sessions and workshops from our past conferences, download our app, subscribe to the Rooted Conference Podcast, or click below:
Past Conference MaterialPast Workshops
Brad Blaylock – Apologetics in Youth Ministry
Students have more options for what they believe about the world than ever before. Social media is constantly barraging our students with opposing worldviews and critiques of Christianity. In this workshop we will cover why Apologetics is necessary for your youth ministry, and how to easily incorporate it into your weekly youth ministry gathering. This workshop will provide easy and accessible ways to make apologetics part of what you do in your youth ministry.
Cameron Cole – A Pathway for Safe and Healthy Tech Use
Children’s access to technology is more than just a safety issue: it is a social justice matter. Today’s children are vulnerable to a variety of powers that exploit them through technology. This workshop will give parents a framework and pathway for how to lead children in the area of technology from elementary school through high school, leaning on both theology and developmental psychology. It will also provide youth pastors with a conceptual framework that they can use at their church to equip parents to protect their kids.
Jennifer Kvamme – Teaching Biblical Sexuality to Teens
The Bible has gotten a bad rap lately when it comes to its teachings on sexuality. Many students think God hates gay people, or that the Bible’s teachings on sexuality are outdated and harmful, or that Christians think sex is bad. How do we communicate that there’s so much more to the story? We’ll look at six foundations for a gospel-shaped view of sexuality and discuss how we can communicate these truths in a way that points to the bigger story of redemption and displays God’s instructions not as just rules an limits but as a path to real freedom and joy.
Jennifer Kvamme – Answering the Tough Questions About Sexuality
Why does it matter what pronouns someone uses? What’s the big deal with porn? Is God really against gay marriage? Students are asking lots of important and complex questions around sexuality, and these topics present us with an important but sometimes tough opportunity to show how the gospel shapes every area of life. How can we respond to their tough questions with the truth of Scripture and the grace of Jesus—and equip them, in turn, to answer the questions their friends may be asking of them.
Mike McGarry – Developing Expository Messages for Youth
How do you write a sermon or Bible study? So much more is involved than doing your exegetical homework. How do you actually craft it into an outline or manuscript that engages students and prompts conversation? This workshop will take you from the brainstorming process through biblical exegesis and to a useful outline or manuscript. The process of developing an expository message for youth might look somewhat different for each of us, but it will include common mile markers along the way.
Mike McGarry – What Difference does the Imago Dei Make?
Interestingly, many of today’s most controversial topics (gender, sexuality, marriage, racism, abortion, disability, and mental health to name a few) find their resolution in what it means that men and women are created in the image of God. So, what does the Bible say about the image of God and how can we teach this important doctrine to the students in our homes and churches?
Richard Ross, PhD – Impacting the Spiritual Lives of Parents So They Can Lead Their Teenagers
Parents can be the most powerful spiritual influence in the lives of their children. But parents cannot pass on what they do not have. This workshop will present practical ways youth leaders can take parents new places in their spiritual lives. And that includes youth leaders half the ages of the parents. Parents who come alive spiritually can mean a youth group that comes alive spiritually.
Jonathan Holmes – God, Gender, and Grace for Challenging Conversations
Our lives are bombarded with messages about gender and identity, and we might find ourselves thinking, “How do I even begin a conversation around these issues?”. In this breakout session, we’ll seek to understand the modern identity formation process, the current landscape of gender identity issues, and how to help parents and ministry leaders navigate these challenges with truth and wisdom.
Jason Woodruff – Modeling a Healthy Relationship with Politics during Election Season
As our kids grow, so does their exposure to the news and politics. And, well… that’s terrifying. Today’s news cycle is constant, divisive, and often depressing. It unashamedly encourages anger and hatred towards political opponents and elevates political ideologies as our only source of hope. We want the next generation of Christians to be discerning about what really matters, find peace in Christ when things go wrong, love everyone even when it’s hard, and respond quickly with loving action. Thankfully, there are simple Biblical habits and boundaries to set that make these outcomes much more likely.
Jason Woodruff – Consuming News in the TikTok era. Who can You (and Your Teens) Trust?
The majority of Gen Z (and an increasing percentage of older generations) get their news from social media, specifically TikTok. This means instead of a few major media outlets with well-established reputations, we have millions of unaffiliated part-time “reporters.” Who can we trust? Where does God fit in? How do we talk about this with our teens? Learn how to consume and discuss the news with wisdom and discernment in the TikTok era.
Kristen Hatton – Parenting Ahead
Parents often feel as anxious as our teens. We fear we haven’t done enough and are failing as parents. We worry about our kids’ choices, their environments, values, faith, their safety, happiness, future, our relationship with them and so much more. It can be all-consuming and never-ending. And while there are no formulas to calm our fears and guarantee an outcome, there are things we can do—starting with our own hearts and minds. In this workshop empty nester mom and counselor Kristen Hatton will draw upon her book, Parenting Ahead, to encourage and equip parents toward a foundation and family culture rooted in Jesus.
Syler Thomas – What Youth Pastors’ Families Want Them to Know
Youth ministers with kids have to be “all-in” as a family. But how can you be fully committed to the ministry God has called you to while also caring for and guarding your family? Drawing on feedback from his four adult children and his wife, and with 25 years of youth ministry successes and failures behind him, Syler Thomas will unpack a path for how to honor and incorporate your family into your ministry while also protecting them— including what to do (and not do) when your own kids join youth group.
Justin Wong – The Eras Tour: Navigating Longevity in Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
Step into a transformative journey led by Dr. Justin Wong, a veteran youth ministry leader, as we uncover the profound impact and personal challenges of longevity in local church youth ministry. Together, we’ll explore strategies for maintaining a steadfast gospel-centered focus amidst shifting cultural currents, cultivating authentic connections, and fostering lasting spiritual growth.
Vince Greenwald – Gospel + Safety + Time
Every youth minister wants kids to feel welcome in their youth ministry, but what does a hospitable youth ministry actually look like? And what do young people most need from their churches? Vince will unpack the paradigm of Gospel + Safety + Time as a guiding principle of developing a gospel culture in youth ministry, and differentiate between what this looks like for kids in middle school vs. kids in high school.
Danny Kwon, Josh Newton, and Isaiah Marshall – Missions and Youth Ministry
Missions and in particular Short Term Missions Trips can be a valuable tool in youth ministry, to serve the communities we go to serve, as well as for the students and leaders who participate. However, there is a wide ranging perspective of how to do them effectively. In this workshop, 3 experienced practitioners will each share their philosophy of ministry and practices for short term missions. Similarly, their diverse perspectives will be helpful for youth ministries as we consider how short term missions can be part of our ministries.
Danny Kwon – Nurturing a Youth Ministry (Culture) that Fosters Intergenerational Ministry
Fostering Integrational Integration and Family Ministry in your church can be hard. Moreover, as a youth ministry, it can be challenging to have our adults and church leadership know how to or want to integrate intergenerationally with our youth ministry. In this workshop, hear from a veteran youth pastor of 29 years at his church, who went from a youth ministry to a more intergenerational and family ministry paradigm at his church, and some of the things he did in his youth ministry, to promote intergenerational integration within his church.
Connie Nelson, Isaiah Marshall, Liz Edrington, and Anna Meade Harris – Ministering to Students with Challenging Home Lives
For many young people, the greatest hurt they experience comes from the closest relationships they have–family. Relationships between parents and kids can be complicated and hard, with or without issues like abuse or alcoholism. The pain felt by students navigating challenging home lives isn’t always visible, leaving many to suffer in silence. How can we minister to students when their home life is challenging? What constitutes a challenging home life? This workshop explores the profound impact of these environments and offers practical, Gospel-centered ways to create a culture of vulnerability and build trusting relationships.
Jimmy Kim – Communicating the Importance of Family Ministry
A sense of calling toward the work of ministry? Check. A zeal for the gospel and passion to minister to the next generation? Double check. The buy-in and support of your church’s leadership? Not so much. This workshop aims to help you better communicate the value of family ministry to leaders in your church without overwhelming yourself, your leadership, or your church.
Tara Davis and Cameron Cole – Building a Scope and Sequence for Biblical Literacy in Children’s Ministry and with Parents
Youth parents often receive students into their ministries with very poor biblical literacy and who are not ready to study full books of the Bible. How can churches work to build stronger biblical literacy with our elementary age children? This workshop will feature children’s ministry Tara Davis and include family pastor Cameron Cole. Tara will discuss how to plan children’s curriculum that increases biblical literacy and knowledge of the narrative of scripture. She will also provide practical direction on how to empower parents to labor alongside the church to enhance biblical literacy. Cameron will show how children’s ministers, parents, youth pastors, and familymninisters can collaborate in this effort.
Kerry Trunfio – Ministering to Students in the Midst of Church Hurt
Students in our youth ministry are not immune to the fall out or hurt that happens when churches experience trauma and brokenness. In our time together during this break out session, we will talk through what it looks like to walk students through difficult times within a church community, recognizing that they are a valued member of this community.
Kendal Conner – Faith in Exile: Teaching the Book of Daniel to Students
How do we disciple our students to stand firm in the faith, even as exiles? How do we teach them keep their eyes focused on present hope, and the promise that is to come? What does it look like to grow in faith when others seek to destroy it?
As we step into a year of certain political change, bringing much uncertainty, God has preserved for us a story which so directive for both our students and ourselves. The Book of Daniel not only offers our students hope as exiles amidst political unrest and heightened religious persecution, but this book offers a deep vision for the unshakable hope we have in the promised one of God, Jesus — and it all begins with a teenager.
In this workshop, we will discuss practical methods for teaching the book of Daniel to students, while also offering tools to serve any teacher walking through narrative and/or apocalyptic genres with students.
T. J. Lewis – Building Relationships That Last
The church is the backbone of the Kingdom of God, and relationships are the avenue that the Lord uses to deliver nutrients to the Body. Because they can, do, and will play such a vital role, let’s talk about how to build healthy relationships with students that will matter into eternity.
Lindsey Carlson – How to Encourage Teenagers With Your Words
It’s no secret that many of today’s teenagers are anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or easily disheartened. It makes sense; growing up in a lost and broken world feels brutal. But as those who are tasked with parenting, teaching, training, or shepherding teenagers, we are granted the privilege of encouragement. In this session, we will consider the letter of Third John and how as adults, we might speak life and truth into the lives of the teenagers we love.
Past Pre-Conference Options
Join us for extra fellowship and teaching for specific groups of people, whether new to youth ministry, working in an Asian-American church, or those interested in becoming Rooted Writers.
Claim your spot here!
Asian American Pre-Conference
Theme: Ministry Burnout and Depression in the Asian American Church
Lunch: $35
Time: Thursday, Oct. 24th from 11:30 am to 3 pm
Speakers: Harold Kim and Jonathan Holmes -
Claim your spot here!
New to Youth Ministry and Mentorship Reception
When: Thursday, October 24 at 2:00 PM
Where: Park Cities Presbyterian Church
About: Join us for a pre-conference reception to celebrate all of our recent mentorship graduates! Whether you are currently enrolled, a recent graduate or just new to youth ministry and interested in learning more about the program, we hope you will register (include hyperlink) to attend! We will have mentors in attendance to share more about their experience with our youth ministry and family ministry mentorship programs. We will also provide an overview of the format, requirements and content. Most importantly, the reception will include a recognition of our graduates. Desserts and beverages will be served, and there is no cost for you! We kindly ask you to register, so we have an accurate headcount. Click here to register today. See you in Dallas!
Travel Plans
Rooted is partnering with several hotels near the conference site in order to provide our registrants the best discounts available.
View all of our discounted room blocks, distances from the hotel properties to the venue, amenities, special offers, and more.-
Homewood Suites
- Distance: 11 minutes from the conference site
- Location: 10 Westminster Way, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
- $129/night
- Book by calling 847.945.9300
- Hotel Code:
- Go to
- Where to: Lincolnshire
- Check in date: Enter date
- Check out date: Enter date
- Click on Special Rates:
- Group Code: Enter 90B
Hilton Garden Inn – Lake Forest
- Distance: 8 minutes from the conference site.
- Location: 26225 N. Riverwoods Boulevard Mettawa, IL, 60045
- $169/night
- Book here!
Residence Inn Chicago Lake Forest/Mettawa
- Distance: 8 minutes from the conference site.
- Location: 26325 N. Riverwoods Boulevard Mettawa, IL, 60045
- $169/night
- Book here!
Thank you to our Sponsors!