Teach Teenagers About the Real Jesus: A Word for Youth Ministers About #goals
Jesus is the one who comes looking for you and for each of your students saying, “I love you. Trust me.”
The overall goal of theological depth is not a new education program…It’s about allowing the gospel to saturate their inner-being.
Jesus is the one who comes looking for you and for each of your students saying, “I love you. Trust me.”
In justification, the God of love is pursuing his lost children, reconciling us to himself.
Our goal as youth pastors is to help students ground that love for God in knowledge, which will ultimately help them grow in their faith.
Instead of standing as one option among many viable paths to purpose, the cross serves as the axis around which the entire cosmos revolves.
The more you push your interns to behold Christ in his Word and in the life of their minds, the more like him they’ll look (2 Cor. 3:18).
Any theology that does not transform our hearts or make us look more like Jesus is really just vain philosophy and empty deceit.