Rooted Parent Top Ten August- September 2022

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Welcome to the Rooted Parent Top Ten, a curated list of resources from across the web that we believe will be helpful to parents raising teenagers. Here you’ll find articles, podcasts, and videos to support you in gospel- centered discipleship and interpreting youth culture. While most are gospel focused, others are included because they include a message of common grace. (The opinions presented in these articles do not necessarily reflect the position of Rooted.) At the end, you’ll find Rooted resources compiled from the last month’s new offerings. We hope this resource is helpful!

Gospel-Centered Parenting

I Could Always Get My Dad by Kraig Keck, “How amazing that the God who spoke the universe into existence always, always hears my prayer. And I don’t have to find a harvest-gold phone to talk to him.”

Let Christ Shine Through Family Habits by Jared Kennedy, TGC. “This memorable layout, the practical applications, and the helpful chapter summaries make Earley’s book (Habits of the Household) eminently useful for busy families. 

Ask TGC: Do Parents Have Rights That Protect Against Transgender Ideology? By Joe Carter, TGC. “Intergenerational community is part of God’s vision for the church and family, which is why our children suffer when they don’t have friendships and influences that cross generational lines.”

Parents, Just Go to Church by Cameron Cole, TGC. “Getting to church is hard. But that’s part of the value of attending church every Sunday. It sets the tone for the Christian’s daily struggle to live in personal relationship with Christ.”

Parenting Adult Children by Barbaranne Kelly, “… through much trial and oh, so much error I’ve come to understand that God’s plans are far better than mine.”

When You Worry About All the Things by Christina Fox, “There are some worries and concerns that deserve our attention because God has entrusted us with specific tasks and responsibilities… But there are other worries that are not under our rule and responsibility.”

Teach Your Children to Resolve Conflict by Chris Pennington, Growing Fathers. “Teaching your children to resolve conflict is difficult because it takes time, energy, and investment. And I like my comfort. But in the long run, children who have practiced peace-making become adult peacemakers.”

Youth Culture

How to teach our kids faithfulness in today’s culture by Champ Thornton, ERLC. “Yet as Jesus prayed, every generation must remain “in the world,” yet they are not “of the world” (John 17:14-15). But, with the riptides of withdrawal on the one hand and capitulation on the other, how do we as parents steer a course between these two perennial threats?”

Protecting Teens From Big Tech: Five Policy Ideas for States by Claire Morell, Adam Candeub, Jean Twenge, W. Bradford Wilcox, “In addition, excessive social media use is strongly linked to mental health issues among individuals. For example, teens who spend five or more hours a day on social media are twice as likely to be depressed as those who do not use social media. Several random assignment experiments demonstrate that social media use is a cause, not just a correlation, of poor mental health.”

Sissy Goff: Middle School Is Hell, Dadville podcast with Dave Barnes and Jon McLaughlin. “We have Daystar’s Sissy Goff joining Dadville this week to help us navigate the tricky world of being a girl dad. Oh boy, will those middle-school years be tough! Sissy dishes out solid, practical advice on how giving kids too much power will lead to insecurity, when (and how) to pay more attention, and how to just absorb the love.”

On Rooted

Talking to Your Daughter About the Bachelor: Advice From a Dedicated Fan by Rebecca Lankford

Ask The Experts: Helping Parents Talk to Their Teenagers About the Culture with Evan Barber (podcast)

God Doesn’t Compare His Children; Why Do I Compare Mine? by Ben Beswick

Rooted Conference: Tish Harrison Warren, “Working, Watching, Weeping” (podcast) 

Discipling Our Children: What I Wish I Had Done by Carolyn Lankford

The Race Set Before Me: A Daily Practice for Parents from Hebrews 12 by Dawson Cooper

Ask the Experts: Clarissa Moll on Caring For Grieving Teenagers

Parenting a Rebellious Teenager by Rooted

Preparing Your Children to Suffer for Christ: A Reflection on 1 Peter 3 by Katie Polski

Youth Minister-Approved Icebreakers for Conversation Around the Dinner Table or in the Car by Chelsea Kingston Erickson

Teenagers, Parents, and the Anxiety Epidemic: What a Counselor Wants You to Know by Lisa Harlow Clay

Building Your Home on Solid Spiritual Ground by Meredith Exline

Why Families Should Prioritize the Local Church by Katie Polski