

Christianity and Asian American Culture

Asian American Christianity is beautiful and yet complex. At times, there comes a crossroads between the Christian faith and our cultural heritage. Because of this tension, Asian American Teenagers have questions about reconciling their Christian faith with their cultural heritage. Please join us for our upcoming Rooted webinar, which will address some of these issues. We will discuss how we can minister the gospel to teenagers while embracing the unique cultural heritage that God has given us.

All About Our Webinars

If you’re looking for more training and want help working through the biggest issues in your ministry, Rooted is here to help! We offer 6 webinars a year with experts in the field to answer your biggest questions. For years, Rooted has produced training videos to help youth ministry staff and volunteers grow in their own spiritual lives and in their ministry. Now, we have created a one-stop shop where you can access past training videos and webinars — for free. Use them in your own youth ministry staff meetings, volunteer trainings, or grab a few peers in ministry and watch them together. Check out our free toolkit below to get started leading your own group, and make sure to sign up for our next webinar!

Watch our latest training videos here:

Watch Past Training Videos

For years we’ve been hosting webinars and producing training videos on all sorts of topics all in an effort to equip and empower you for ministry. We’ve divided our archives into five sections, based on our five pillars, to make it easier to focus your training efforts. Click below to see all the videos in each category.

Community Gatherings

If you’re looking to make new friends in youth ministry, we would encourage you to start a local community gathering. It’s a great way to foster fellowship, support, and growth among youth leaders. We believe in the power of a healthy Christian community, where we can come together to lift each other up in prayer, share both our successes and challenges, and find strength in knowing that we’re not alone in ministry. We’re here to equip you with all you need to learn, train, grow, and gather in community. We provide six new webinars a year, a toolkit you can download to get started, and access to all our past videos, and you can take it from there!

  • Why gather with other youth ministry leaders?

    Our heart is to advance gospel-centered youth ministry, and we know it can be lonely to do it alone. So many of the youth ministry staff we talk to are alone in their efforts within their own church, so it’s been invaluable to them to connect with other youth ministers – particularly when they’re in the same community! We want to provide as many free resources as possible to help you make that happen so that all you need to do is spread the word, and we’ll do the legwork for you.

  • What do these gatherings look like?

    You can structure these gatherings in a variety of ways. But, our consistent hope for each gathering is that they are grace-filled and gospel-centered. Celebrate relief that while we are to plant and water, only God can give growth and change. Meetings exult the Savior and humble ministers, for ministry does not depend on us! (1 Cor. 3:6-7, John 3:30, Mark 10:44-45).

    We encourage the community leaders to consider the following components when planning:

    Comfort: Promote an atmosphere where people leave feeling comforted that they are loved and accepted by God through Christ in spite of their failures.

    Training & Discussion: We encourage you to watch at least one or more training videos when you gather for a group. And, then spend some time discussing with your team how the training applies to your congregation and context. You can learn so much from others in your community.

    Prayer: This is a crucial and important element of your ministry. And, it is so powerful to be surrounded by a group of co-labors who can pray with and for you.

    Food: While optional, sharing a meal (breakfast or lunch) or even coffee helps foster all of the above.

  • What does Rooted provide?

    Rooted provides a toolkit to help you get started (click to download). In addition to all of our past training videos, we offer 6 new webinars each year. You can access these webinars live, or watch at a later date.  The rest is up to you. All you need to do is gather peers, volunteers, or your youth staff and hit play! Oh, and we’d always welcome your feedback to hear about how it’s going!