2016 has been a hard year for our country. Terrorism has kept us fearful and grieving. The Presidential election has us exhausted and uncertain. And suffering on a personal level continues to keep us on our knees, in search for healing and hope. The effects of these things –each a result of The Fall – are felt by adults and teenagers alike. ‘Thanks’ seems like a whiff, compared to the thread so many are clinging to. ‘Help’ seems more apt.
And yet.
At Rooted this year, we’ve had the great privilege of sharing the gospel with our readers and listeners four days a week, on our blog, on our podcast, and at our conference in San Diego. We’ve been able to shout that all of our lives, which feel increasingly meaningless and out of control, are in the better hands of a mighty God. This God loved us so much that, while we were yet total messes, a breakdown waiting to happen, on the brink of toppling from our very high horses – sinners – He died for us. And nothing we do or do not do will ever alter the immeasurable depth and certainty of that love. The gospel is the final word of freedom and forgiveness. Help and Thanks are thus forever intertwined.
Ministers, parents, and teens need to know the truth of the gospel every day. At Rooted, we hope to pour the gospel into you, so that in turn it would pour back out of you. And we couldn’t make this happen if it weren’t for the passion and wisdom of our writers, the powerful vision of our steering committee, the direction from our incredible board, the support of our donors, and the labor of our employees (both past and present). Thank you. We would not be able to do what we do without you.
2016 has been a remarkable year of growth at Rooted. We continue to keep our eyes open, to see what the Lord will do next. And we give our deepest thanks to Him, our Savior, from whom all good things flow.
Soli Deo Gloria.