She/He Reads Truth Bible Study Journals for Students

This week at Rooted we want to let you know about a great new resource for teens from our friends at She Reads Truth. A ministry that was initially devoted to helping women engage with Scripture on a daily basis, She Reads Truth has expanded to help men do the same (see He Reads Truth). The two ministries combined have produced Bible Study Journals for teens 11-15. The version for girls is accessible here and the version for boys, here.

The girl and boy versions are different only in the artwork; the content of the study journals is the same. The first pair of the journals contains a thorough examination of the book of Luke. Each day the student reads a chapter of Luke, summarizes the passages in his or her own words, examines the content for its meaning and personal application, and then writes a prayer based on the character of God as revealed in Scripture. Its pages are bright and clean and easily readable, and there is plenty of room for students to write without them being overwhelmed by too much space to fill.

For a family looking to do guided Bible study together, these Bible study journals would be ideal. There are Luke study versions for mothers and fathers as well. Both websites also include online and app versions of a study of the book of Luke, as well as many other books of the Bible. Check it out!

Anna is a single mom of three young adult sons. She is the Senior Director of Content at Rooted, co-host of the Rooted Parent podcast, a member of Church of the Cross in Birmingham, AL, and the author of God's Grace for Every Family: Biblical Encouragement for Single Parent Families and the Churches That Seek to Love Them Well (Zondervan, 2024). She also wrote Fresh Faith: Topical Devotions and Scripture-Based Prayers for College Students. In her free time, Anna enjoys gardening, great books, running, hiking, hammocks, and ice cream. She wants to live by a mountain stream in Idaho someday.

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