August-September 2020 Rooted Parent Top Ten

Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included several of the pieces that ran on Rooted Parent over the last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at

Gospel- Centered Parenting

The Way We Shape These Days Is Shaping Us by Harriet Conner, TGC Australia. “Wouldn’t it be good if, when all of this is over and we return to “normal” time, we emerged with habits and rhythms that are better attuned to the life and world given to us by our God?”

Learning in Coronatide: C.S. Lewis on Going Back to School by Todd Brewer, “For Lewis, the frustration and restlessness we probably feel now is not a sign that we should immediately return to pre-pandemic activities, but a symptom that we have perhaps squandered the time we have been given.”

The Glory of Children is Their Fathers by Tim Challies, “It’s… a challenge for parents to be worthy of honor, for parents to be the glory of their children. It’s a challenge to parents to live a life that is worthy of that kind of praise and recognition from their children.”

No Longer I Who Mother: Union With Christ (and Small Children) by Christina Fox, Despite the title, this piece is not written for moms of small children, but all moms! “Dear struggling mom, there’s a rich store of help and hope for us, and it’s not rooted in short-term comforts or pleasures. It’s not found in distractions. Our strength, endurance, and joy can be daily and rigorously rooted in who Christ is for us and who we are in him.”

The Blessing of Being an Older Mom by Harriet Connor, TGC. “Here are three truths from Scripture that can encourage women like me who, whatever our intentions or ideals, find our medical records stamped with the words “geriatric mother.”

Youth Culture

How To Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much by Natasha Crain, “Because SJWs (social justice warriors) believe norms of society are the evil source of all inequalities today, and have labeled Christianity as part of those norms, Christianity too is evil. Not just wrong. Evil.”

Cardi B, Wap, and Our Kids… Some Thoughts by Walt Mueller, CPYU. “Cardi B’s newest single, “WAP”, has my head-spinning with surprise and sadness as I think about where we are as a culture and how we’ve gotten here.”

The Tik Tok Suicide Video: Guidance for Parents by Walt Mueller, CPYU. “For those kids who are older and who might either go looking for the video or who may have already seen it, it’s never too late to initiate conversations regarding content, nor is it ever time to stop having the conversations you’ve already had in the past. Parenting is not about once-and-done conversations, but about continued interaction on these things.”

The Pandemic is a Mental Health Crisis for Parents by Jessica Grose, NYTimes. “Research shows that exercise (like that five-minute yoga video) and emotional connection (that simple text exchange) are also helpful in reducing stress.”

To Share With Your Teens

Love What’s Near by Trevin Wax, TGC. This is not an easy read, but it’s worthy of a family discussion. “But what if it is in loving what is nearest to us—discovering what Cammaerts describes as “the romance of small things”—where we are most likely to find happiness and bring about lasting change in the world? What if it’s in the cultivation of culture at home, with our neighbors, with our church, where the most significant change takes place?”

On Rooted 

Guiding Your Kids Through Their COVID Return to School by Tracy McGarry

Six Truths For Parenting In No Man’s Land by Anna Meade Harris

Ask Alice: Loving Her Well (An Interview With Author Kari Kampakis)

Unmasking the Idol of Ease by Katie Polski

The Christian’s Call to Suffer in 2020 (And Beyond) by Dawson Cooper

Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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