Below you will find links to podcasts for some of the workshops presented at Rooted 2016 in San Diego. The final group of workshop podcasts will be available next week.
Supporting At-Risk Youth in High-Conflict Situations, Dr. Tiffany Whitworth
Messy divorce. Cutting. Substance abuse. Trauma. Many youth live with painful realities. In this workshop, clinical child psychologist, Tiffany Whitworth, explains how at-risk behaviors are ill-attempts to satisfy basic human needs. Drawing upon the doctrine of the imago dei and the gospel message, Dr. Whitworth provides principles of behaviorism and emotion coaching to give practical ways to minister to at-risk youth, and help them meet their needs in godly ways.
Face Time: Helping Our Teens See their Identity and Worth in Christ, Kristen Hatton
Driven by our selfie culture, today’s teens spend countless hours consumed with their image and insecure about how they compare to their peers. They want to know they matter, but with Satan’s whispering lies convincing them they aren’t enough, they look to other’s approval, their appearance, or performance for their worth. Trying to secure an identity in anything other than Christ always turns up empty. In this workshop, Kristen Hatton delves into why and how our teens need help coming face to face with the idols ruling their hearts, in order to see clearly their true identity rooted in Christ. Theology matters and the doctrine of justification cannot be any more practical when it comes to the daily need and application of knowing who Christ is for them and who they are in Christ.
The Gospel in the Muslim World: Loving Your Enemies, Mark Howard
More Iranians have become Christians in the past two decades than the previous 1,300 years combined. This workshop looks at the powerful way the gospel is at work in the Iran region. It also explores how the story of Iran’s church can inform our ministries here in the United States – particularly in loving those we have been taught to fear and hate.
Blindspots, James Sutton
This workshop focuses on four categories of blindspots and how they impede racial reconciliation. James Sutton – pastor at Holy Trinity World Outreach in Birmingham, AL – outlines steps to overcome the blindspots and work towards reconciliation.
Theology of Fun & Games, Mike McGarry
Don’t build your ministry on fun and games, but don’t be afraid to utilize them in order to build a gospel-centered community. In the Christian life, there is a time for study, and a time for laughter – and that should be reflected in the rhythm of our ministries to students. Mike McGarry discusses the unintentional ways that fun can become the functional-purpose of our youth group, while recognizing that it is also not the enemy. Instead, we can leverage fun and games to break down walls, tear down cliques, and create a welcoming community where we have cultivated trust by the time our students hear the gospel proclaimed.