As I come up for air from the chaos of the holidays, I look ahead to the expanse of spring and see mission trips to plan, forms to collect, hotel rooms to reserve, Sunday School to teach, Bible studies to prep, interns to recruit, students with whom to meet, parents to call, laser tag to book, and Quidditch goals to build (…is that just us?).
My life is busy.
Surely I’m not the only one – if the number of books and resources geared toward helping student ministers learn time management skills and break away from their students long enough to take a day off is any indication, there are a lot of you who find yourself in the same situation. How did it happen that the lives of Youth Ministers became characterized by chaos?
In our next series on the Rooted blog, we’ll take a break from thinking about what the Gospel has to say to our students and look at what the Gospel has to say to us, the Busy Youth Ministers.