Rooted’s Top Ten of March 2021

Each month we compile a Top Ten list for youth workers. This list represents ten articles from various sources that we believe will encourage you in your ministry to students and their families. Some give explicit instruction on gospel-centered ministry, while others are included because there is a message of common grace that is helpful to youth workers. (The opinions presented in these articles do not necessarily reflect the position of Rooted.) If you find an article that could speak to the Rooted community, please share it in the comment section below.

Gospel-Centered Ministry

Devotion in Prayer by Ruth Faida (Anchored Passion)

The position of your heart and the intention behind your prayers matter just as much, if not more, than the words you express.

Why We Need the Church to Disciple Our Politics by Matthew Hawkins (TGC)

When our church remains silent, virtually all our opinions about how Christians should engage politics come from influences other than Scripture and the guidance of our church.

3 Ways Campus Ministries Can Submit to the Local Church by Cole Shiflet (For the Church)

Due to the variety of churches our leaders came from, our ministry struggled to implement ways to submit to the local church. Collectively, we have taken three steps to ensure that our leadership faithfully submits to and partners with the local church in the multiplication of the gospel.

Partnering with Parents

Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age by Tony Reinke (DesiringGod)

Social media is where teens look for life, and it’s what costs them their lives. We must help them see the paradox.

How to Teach Kids Patience in 20 Minutes or Less by Ginger Blomberg (TGC)

So when we read a good book aloud to a child, we have the opportunity to speak of God’s character with both the author’s words and ours, while simultaneously showing that child a glimpse of God’s character through love in the act of reading together. We partner with the text to incarnate the truth.

What Happened to American Childhood by Kate Julian (The Atlantic)

How do you inoculate a child against future anguish? What do you do if your child already seems overwhelmed in the here and now?

How to Apologize to Your Kids by Jessica Grose (New York Times)

How do I walk that line between showing my children that I have feelings that aren’t always positive, but not letting my irritation erupt, uncontrolled?

Ministry Skills

Fighting Fear and Anxiety by Keith Mathison (Ligonier)

Those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, however, have nothing to fear from man, or from anything else for that matter. Those who trust Christ have nothing to fear from hurricanes, diseases, economic collapse, war, famine, or even death.

The Multi-Directional Leader by Trevin Wax & Collin Hansen (TGC)

When church leaders assume that they can only scan for attacks in one direction, they leave Christians vulnerable to different dangers. What the church needs, then, is what Trevin Wax calls multi-directional leadership—leaders who demonstrate faithful versatility.

A Leader and Their Marriage by John & Pam McGee (Watermark CLP)

Leaders are often great at setting goals for their ministry or church, but need to also be diligent to set goals in their marriage.

What We Can No Longer Assume in Our Evangelism by Coye Still (Radical)

Instead of being intimidated, Christians should be moved to pray and to trust that God will glorify Christ as the Holy Spirit brings people to faith and repentance. Christians should also renew their commitments to discipleship, understanding that the remedy to these challenges is not jettisoning biblical truth.

In Case You Missed It (Rooted’s March Honorable Mention)

Prayers for Our Asian American Friends by Rooted

Part of our body is suffering greatly. Brothers and sisters, we suffer with you, lamenting and condemning the racism, violence, and hatred you have endured.

Three Responses to a Teenager Resisting Youth Group by Katie Polski

Youth group meetings outside of regular Sunday morning worship reinforce gospel truths so that our kids will begin to know God’s love for them.

Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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