Rooted2014 Audio: Brent Bounds on Developmental Phases

In this workshop session, Dr. Brent Bounds takes a look at the spiritual and psychological development of adolescents.  The workshop explores how the stages of child and adolescent development shape and influence a youth’s understanding of and experience with the Gospel.  Using the work of Erikson and Piaget and others, the group discusses some of the core needs of children at this age and how to uniquely engage them in youth ministry.

Gospel and Development

Dr. Brent Bounds is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Director of Family Ministries for Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Brent received his M.A. in Biblical Studies and Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary and his PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fordham University. In addition to his work at Redeemer, he has a small private psychology practice where he works with individuals, children and families.

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