Rooted Parent Top Ten September-October 2021

Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10 – a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included several of the pieces that ran on Rooted Parent over the last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at 

Gospel- Centered Parenting

Parents, Here’s the Best Way To Hand Down Your Faith by Trevin Wax, TGC. “The big takeaway? In our culture today, nearly everyone agrees that parents are primarily responsible for passing on religious faith and practice. One’s church, mosque, or synagogue is always secondary, playing a supportive role.”

Weary of Myself by Jane Anderson Grizzle, “My interior life and my exterior life are characterized by a total depletion of energy because I am spending all my precious energy on wearying things. And I cannot make myself stop.”

The Verse That Helped Me Become a More Patient Parent by Megan Hill, TGC.” “ Paul’s letters are filled with things he had already said. But, unlike me, he doesn’t repeat himself through gritted teeth.”

How to Help Children Build A Healthy Body Image by Justin and Lidsey Holcomb, Core Christianity. “If children see their parents judging others’ appearances, then they will be much more likely to do the same to others and themselves.”

The Gospel and the Pain of Fatherlessness by Tim Challies, A Review of Blair Lynne’s important new book, Finding My Father: How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness. “[Lynne] tells how she has come to understand fatherhood as heavenly before it is earthly, as a description of God before a description of any man.”

Youth Culture

Keeping Kids Off Porn by Alysse ElHage, IFS. “I asked a few experts for some advice, and what they told me is best summed up in three words: protect, prepare, and empower.”

The Hidden Harm of Gender Transition by Sharon James, TGC. “In an age when there’s fury about animal experimentation, some don’t blink at the idea of sterilizing and mutilating healthy young people. But we should speak out for the protection of children and young people from ideas and treatments that could leave them with lasting damage.”

Why Social Media Is Not Smart for Middle School Kids by Victoria L Dunckley, M.D., Psychology Today. This is an old article that is recirculating; however, the research continuously bears out the findings shared here. “Tweens’ brains are simply too immature to use social media appropriately.”

The Messy Truth About Teenager Girls and Instagram by Jessica Grose, NYT. “… what makes a platform like Instagram particularly insidious for some teens is the extra layer of validation they observe through the likes, comments and shares of their peers.”

What’s Going On With Our Black Girls? Experts Warn of Rising Suicide Rates by Christina Caron, NYT. “Researchers have uncovered worrisome trends among black youth.”

On the Rooted Blog

Teenagers Need the Church in Person (Not Just Online) by Chelsea Kingston Erickson.

Taste And See: A Recipe for Trusting God With Our Family’s Diet by Melissa Powell.

Three Reasons I’m Glad I Read the Jesus I Wish I Knew In High School as a Parent by Mark Howard.

Speaking With Your Children About Difficult Sermons Texts by Joshua and Amelia Greever. 

How the Gospel Helps Parents Disciple the Athlete by Christina Fox. 

How the Gospel Informs Conversations With Our Theatre- Loving Children by Katie Polski.

The Long, Slow Work of Gospel Formation by Kendal Conner.

Parenting the Social Activist Teenager by Anna Meade Harris.

Going to Church When You Think You Might Not Like What You Hear by Carolyn Lankford.


Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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