Chap Bettis, a longtime friend of Rooted, has a new resource for parents. The Parenting with Patience course pairs ten short videos with a workbook containing five lessons on managing anger in the home. Written for use in small groups or Sunday school classes, working through as a couple or even individually, the course examines what drives our anger, what the Bible says about righteous and unrighteous expressions of anger, and what Scripture-based tools and habits can transform that anger In our relationships.
Each of the five lessons takes a look at the content from the videos and also includes five days’ worth of individual study. This allows participants to process Scripture and teaching in a group setting as well as alone with the Lord. Each lesson also includes an Anger Journal so that you can do honest self- assessment about anger incidents during your week.
Bettis’ teaching digs deep into Scripture; he often asks participants to write out the Scripture he is teaching. This simple practice helps work God’s truth into our minds and hearts. In addition to thought-provoking personal reflections in the daily work, there are six appendices at the end of the book that teach related lessons and give parents practical tools. For example, Appendix Five, “Should You Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger?” examines what this verse means for marriage and offers practical application to make this proverb a way of life in the home.
You can find Parenting With Patience resources, as well as other offerings from Chap Bettis, on his website The Rooted also recommends his book The Disciple Making Parent; check out our podcast with Bettis here. We are excited to announce that Chap will be speaking at our 2020 conference in Birmingham, AL this October 8-10, and his workshop will explore parenting with patience.