Merry Christmas 2024 From Rooted!

At my church, we have been studying the book of John. Here’s the verse that keeps ringing in my ears this season… “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (1:17).

Notice that the law was given to the Israelites through Moses, but grace came or was bestowed. Grace does not require obedience; it’s a gift to all of those called by the Lord. It was and remains the GREATEST gift of all. Grace came through the arrival of a small, fragile, baby boy, born of the Virgin Mary. 

The prophesied Savior did not arrive on a cloud from heaven above or resemble a beast more magnificent that anything the world had ever imagined— no, he was born in a stable among animals. His first guests were not kings, but poor and lowly shepherds.

He came as a human to enter into our pain, suffering, and grief – joy  and laughter too—all for the purpose of giving his own life for our sins to once and for all to defeat the darkness and introduce grace and truth to the world. 

My Savior Jesus knows what it is like to live as a human, to be tempted by sin. He meets me with arms of grace and forgiveness.

Praise to the Lord and Merry Christmas from Rooted! 

We will be taking a break to spend time with friends and family as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We will return with new content in the New Year!