July-August 2020 Rooted Parent Top Ten

Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included several of the pieces that ran on Rooted Parent over the last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.

Gospel-Centered Parenting

The Back-To-School Supplies Parents Need by Jen Pollock Michel, TGC. “As we head into fall, our routines and responsibilities have been disrupted. Uncertainty fogs our future and anxiety dogs our plans. But here, too, is an invitation from the whispering God of Elijah: be still and know that I am God.”

Things Moms Can Do As the COVID-19 School Year Approaches by Emily Jensen, Risen Motherhood. “We need specifics to cling to. While there are innumerable truths to rehearse in these trying times, here are seven things that we can do as we approach what’s shaping up to be the strangest school year ever.”

Families Keep Going, In Pandemic and In Health by Rachel Anderson, Christianity Today. “In reality, God designed and entrusted families with the care of their members, in sickness and in health. Families honor the sacredness of life in all of its vulnerability and precarity (Ps. 68:6). Yes, there is brokenness in family life. But God also equips many families with resilience, adaptability, and love for just such a time as this.”

Forming Our Moral Imagination podcast with Betsy Childs Howard at Women Encouraged. “In this podcast, Betsy Childs Howard talks about the value of forming our moral imagination through literature. Betsy explains what moral formation is and she has some wonderful insight that will help you consider your family’s book and media choices (as well as your own). She also has some encouragement to help you develop conversations with your children about what they’re reading and how it’s shaping them.”

What Family Discipleship Is (and Is Not) by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin, Crossway. “Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ… This is the quintessential role of every Christian parent.”

Family Worship Is Not As Essential as Some Want to Insist by Stephen Kneale, stephenkneale.com. “Don’t mishear me. If you find regularly sitting down with your family to do that a helpful practice, don’t hear me telling you to stop doing that. If that is a way you can faithfully minister to your children, and you find that a valuable thing to do as a family, I am all for you doing it. But (as I seem to have been saying a lot lately in respect to a good number of things), let’s recognize that practices we find personally helpful are not necessarily mandated or required of everyone else.”

Youth and Family Culture

How Families Are Finding God, Grace, and Faith Outside A House of Worship by Christina Caron, NYTimes. “One of the cruelties of the coronavirus is that it has led places of worship to not only strip away in-person religious traditions, but also modify or eliminate community gatherings all at a time when the faithful — still reeling from the effects of an unrelenting pandemic — need them most.”

The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Tim Challies, challies.com. In her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, author Abigail Shrier  “makes the compelling case that a generation of girls is at risk, that their parents need to be aware of the pressures on them, and that society as a whole needs to act to protect those who are so very vulnerable.”

How to Give Children Joy, Even During a Pandemic by Esau McCaulley, NYTimes. This mixture of Safety and peril and difficult decisions about a child’s freedom to play: It is familiar to me. COVID-19 has given all parents a small taste of what it is like to be a Black parent.”

Share With Your Teens

How College Students Can Belong to the Church by Cole Shiflet, radical.net. “It is helpful to remember that belonging to the local church is not something that begins when you graduate college. Rather, your entire life should be lived under the authority of a gospel-preaching local church.”

On Rooted

All About Boys With David Thomas: Boys and Moms (podcast).

Five Songs For Families Who Need to Rejoice;  Psalms to Sing With Families by Katie Polski.

Parenting and the Idol of Control by Christina Fox.

What High School Teachers Want Parents to Know by Holly Mackle.

Ten Things to Pray for Parents, Ten Things to Pray for Students, Ten Things to Pray for Teachers, Schools and Leaders by Charlotte Getz and Anna Meade Harris.

Let the Prophets Speak: Thoughts for Parents on Racial Injustice by Michael Neel.

Ask Alice: How Parents Can Help Children Recover Social Skills Amidst COVID-19 (podcast).

The Life-Giving Power of a Parent Saying “I’m Sorry” by Jenny Lisa. 

When Your Children Witness Your Idols Fail by Mark Howard.

In-Person Vs. Online: Starting Back to School in a Pandemic by Anna Meade Harris.

How I Exasperate My Children With My Pride by Carolyn Lankford. 


Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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