Rooted Parent Podcast: Understanding COVID Season as Grief (Season 2: Sane Parenting in Insane Times)

Episode 1 of this new season is titled, “Understanding COVID Season As Grief.” During this long and weary COVID season, teenagers are experiencing intense loss, separation, and the sad reality that nothing is the way it is supposed to be. In this first episode of Rooted Parent Season Two, Cameron Cole and Anna Meade Harris discuss their personal experiences of grief and suggest ways parents can minister biblical comfort to their families. I encourage you to listen, subscribe and stay tuned for more episodes from season 2.

Show Notes:
Cole references Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie’s work with parents in grief. Here is her excellent workshop from the Rooted 2018 conference: Nancy Guthrie on What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps and What Really Hurts
Additionally, Cameron Cole has written a book about God’s faithfulness in the loss of his son: Therefore I Have Hope: 12 Truths That Comfort, Sustain, and Redeem in Tragedy.
Please see also these resources on Rooted:
Don’t Hurry the Hurt by Kristen Hatton