Episode 23 – Live from the Rooted Conference – What the Heck?

In this live-show from the 2021 Rooted Conference, we’re joined by Becca Heck to discuss an obvious question – “Why would a ministry like Rooted host a podcast about comics?” The four of us discuss the meaning and value of comics and reflect on the power of myth when it comes to the big questions of life, meaning, purpose, etc. We wrap up by sharing a few examples of ways that comics (and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in particular) has helped us initiation spiritually significant conversations with students.

We would love your feedback, input, or questions for future episodes.

Contact us on Twitter @ThanosToTheos, Instagram @ThanosToTheos, or email us at thanostotheos@gmail.com

If you want to respond to any of our hosts, you can reach us on Twitter:

Mike McGarry: @revmcgarry

Clark Fobes: @fobesman

Kevin Yi: @kevinhyi