Thanos to Theos Episode 17: Falcon, the Winter Soldier, and RJ Nakajima

In this episode, we gush about our excitement for the Falcon & Winter Soldier series on Disney+. We make a friendly wager about three predictions for the series and we hope that you would share your own predictions with us on social media too. After discussing the first episode of the show, we talk about the racism that’s been experienced by Asian Americans over the past few months, and what does it look like to genuinely support and seek justice for our Asian American students and families.

Show Notes:

Here’s a list of the people and resources that we discussed:

Soong Chan Rah
Twitter: @profrah

Daniel Yang
Twitter: @koobxwm

Sola Network
Instagram: @thesolanetwork

Kevin’s Facebook Post

Rooted Ministry’s Prayers

We would love your feedback, input, or questions for future episodes.

Contact us on Twitter @ThanosToTheos, Instagram @ThanosToTheos, or email us at

If you want to respond to any of our hosts, you can reach us on Twitter:

Mike McGarry: @revmcgarry

Clark Fobes: @fobesman

Kevin Yi: @kevinhyi