Welcome to this month’s Rooted Parent Top 10- a list of parenting articles from across the web for the Rooted community. This list represents ten articles we believe will encourage and equip you as you parent your kids. At the end of the list we have included all of the parenting articles that ran on Rooted last month. If you have an article you’d like to contribute to the next edition of the Top Ten, please email Anna at anna@rootedministry.com.
Discipling Our Teens
Five Ways My Mom Invested the Gospel in Me (Jaquelle Crowe, risenmotherhood.com)
Written by a twenty-year-old woman, this article is a must-read for every mother who wants to disciple her children well. And while she does share a list of things her mother did well, this young writer ends on a beautiful note of grace: “Every mom needs infinite grace to forgive her sins, to work through her mistakes, and to point her and her kids to Jesus.”
Are My Kids On Track: Boys and Boundaries (David Thomas, raisingboysandgirls.com)
A counselor’s perspective on how to raise a highly intelligent (and manipulative) son, this article directs readers to a gospel-centered resource for parenting boys.
When You Just Want to See Your People’s Hearts Open to God (Clay and Sally Clarkson, annvoskamp.com)
This fascinating article explores the connection between a child’s faith and his imagination. “When you form your children’s imaginations, you are training them to see more than just what is there—to look at the world, nature, people, and even daily life with the same eyes of the heart that God gives us to see His redemptive work in eternity.”
Gospel- Centered Parenting
The World’s Greatest Dad (Connor Gwin, mbird.com.)
“The truth of the matter is that Law disguised as parenting advice or any other form self-help is still Law and the outcome is the same: burnout, failure, and death.”
Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage (It’s Not What You Think) (Jennifer Phillips, jenniferphillipsblog.com.)
“Do those big, bold things require courage? Yes. But you know what I think requires even more courage? These three things we choose or don’t choose every single day: faithfulness in the mundane, perseverance in relationship, and vulnerability.”
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands- Including Your Kids (Jared Kennedy, TGC)
I love this article. Kennedy reminds parents that we are stewards of our children; they do not “belong” to us in any way. Yet there is such freedom in knowing that God bears ultimate responsibility for the kids we love so much.
Making It Easy for Your Kids to Love God (Ray Ortlund, desiringgod.org)
This is a beautiful article, useful for parents with kids of all ages, about how actively living out the wisdom in the Proverbs will show children the joy they can find in following Christ.
Youth Culture
Why Average American Teens are Exhausted and Burnt Out (Melissa Fenton, grownand flown.com.)
“And we wonder why our young adults are currently being diagnosed with depression and anxiety at staggering and unheard-of rates.”
Now Is the Time: 7 Ways to Teach Our Sons, Our Churches, Our Communities to Respect Women #EndMisogeny (Ann Voskamp, annvoskamp.com)
In this article, Voskamp shares her son’s pain when he fails to speak up as demeaning things are said about women… during a Bible study. She walks him through repentance and encourages him to see women as Jesus did — made in the image of God.
And this month, a great podcast:
Parents, It’s Not Your Job to Change Your Children by Paul David Tripp, TGC
“You’re only a tool in the hands of a God who has the power to change all the things that need to be changed in us.”