Rooted Recommends: Don’t Judge Me!

The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is always a solid, reliable resource for youth ministers and parents. Under the direction of Walt Mueller, CPYU publishes a steady stream of excellent content that helps illuminate today’s culture in light of the gospel for the benefit of teenagers and their families. Mueller never shies away from asking the tough questions we need to face, and we can trust the gospel is at the heart of his ministry.

This post is particularly compelling. Mueller gathered his CPYU Faith and Culture Youthworker Cohort to discuss accusations of judgment from those we try to lead in Biblical truth: “… and for those of us who truly desire to minister the Gospel faithfully to kids with a balance of grace and truth, we’re going to be facing more and more accusations from kids, parents, culture, and even our ministry peers as the culture clock ticks further and further into the future.” The responses from the cohort are quoted at length, and these remarks are extremely helpful for both youth workers and parents as we train teenagers to respond in Christlike love to the opposition of the world.

Advancing Grace-Driven Youth Ministry

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