In many ways youth pastors and volunteers occupy a specialized area of church life—but in other ways, we are generalists. We teach, disciple, offer pastoral care, lead services, plan events, administrate, and build bridges between generations, just to name a few of our responsibilities. Because of the diversity of our roles and the ever-changing nature of our culture, youth ministers must always be learning and growing. Each year Rooted curates a list of the best new books for youth workers to read, and this year we have three to recommend.
Each of these books was published in 2024, and each one is sure to make a valuable contribution to the ministry of youth leaders who are seeking to care for teenagers in a grace-filled, gospel-centered, Bible-saturated way. At the same time, none of these are youth-ministry specific. The benefits of reading these titles extends far beyond the realm of youth workers. All three of these books are excellent choices. May you find support and help here as you minister to the students in your care.
Honorable Mention:
Becoming a Future Ready Church: 8 Shifts to Encourage and Empower the Next Generation of Leaders by Daniel Yang, Adelle Banks, and Warren Bird (Zondervan Reflective)
Missionary pastor Daniel Yang, religion journalist Adelle Banks, and leading church researcher Warren Bird have come together in Becoming a Future-Ready Church to help church leaders evaluate whether their ministries are richly entrenched in strategies that worked well in the past but need to be adapted for the future. This timely work provides a strategic framework for churches to adapt and thrive in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing cultural landscape.
The authors focus on the need for churches being ready for the future by embracing innovation, engaging with the ever-growing tech industry, and fostering a culture of continual learning without giving up an inch with the gospel truths from God’s Word. For youth pastors, the book emphasizes the need to understand emerging trends and connect with the next generation in relevant ways.
The strength in this book lies in diagnosing what the problems are and helping church leaders to ask the right questions with solving these problems. Much of the action needed in solving the problems is left up to the context and culture of your church. This helpful work challenges youth pastors to be proactive in equipping the next generation, ensuring that they are not just surviving but thriving in an ever-changing world.
Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Examining 10 Claims About Scripture and Sexuality by Rebecca McLaughlin (The Good Book Company)
With her usual winsome tone and engaging prose, Rebecca McLaughlin tackles one of the most debated and sensitive questions in contemporary Christian discussion in her latest book: Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Biblical clarity and compassion abound, and McLaughlin demonstrates a nuanced faithfulness throughout in tackling such complex issues.
Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationship? is structured around ten common claims in our culture about same-sex relationships. McLaughlin stands on the Bible as authority in answering these claims, leading us to ask great questions about these difficult situations. This is all done with theological clarity, shepherding sensitivity, and a willingness to engage with the culture.
The book is particularly useful for those working with teens and for those seeking to help young people navigate questions around sexual identity in a world that increasingly affirms same-sex relationships as morally acceptable. The author explores how God’s Word teaches us about sex and marriage reflect God’s design for human flourishing and points to the greater narrative of God’s redemptive work in the world by pushing for both grace and truth in the church’s response to LGBTQ+ individuals. This is an accessible and profitable book that will be a lasting help for many in navigating the cultural and spiritual questions to same-sex relationships.
The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation by Kevin DeYoung (Crossway)
There is not another writer who can pack such a strong punch with so few words like Kevin DeYoung can. In The (Not So Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation, DeYoung offers a clear, compelling message about how youth pastors, leaders, and churches can effectively engage and disciple the next generation of Christians. The author pushes past the noise of trendy methods and cultural fads, focusing instead on the enduring principles of gospel-centered ministry.
The book explores the foundational truth that the “secret” to reaching today’s youth is not found in new strategies or flashy programs, but in the timeless power of the Bible. DeYoung argues that the church’s primary task is not to entertain or cater to fleeting cultural norms, but to faithfully share, teach, and model the truth of Scripture. Through Bible-centered teaching, living life together, and gospel-driven discipleship that lives out the truths learned, the church can make a lasting impact on the lives of young people.
The book is filled with practical viewpoints and deep wisdom on how to disciple the next generation in a world that is often opposes Christian values. DeYoung encourages parents, youth pastors, and leaders to maintain a long-term perspective, reminding them that while trends may change, the gospel remains the forever foundation on which all effective ministry is built. This is a call to all Christian families and churches to stand strong on biblical authority, engaging young people with passion and love, directing them to holiness and truth that helps them see the great God we serve.
Rooted’s 2024 Book Awards team includes Chelsea Kingston Erickson, Tim Franks, Natalie Lett, and Tracy Yi. In 2024, Rooted had the honor of publishing three new books for teenagers: The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School, Asian American Edition (by Rooted authors); Longing for Christmas (Rooted authors), and Identity: Discovering Who You Are in Christ by Lindsey Carlson.