“Looking to the needs of others first can help show the power of the gospel. As ambassadors of Christ, our lives act as invitations to a very appealing adventure.”-Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry, pg. 173
- The Missional Necessity of Youth Ministry by Clark Fobes and Zion Selvaraj
- Three Modes of Evangelism for Youth Ministry by Mitchell Dixon
- Leading Evangelism Training for Teenagers and Youth Leaders by Elliot Weston
- Ministering to the Hearts of Skeptical Teenagers by Arek O’Connell
- Discipling Teenagers to Be Salt and Light by Logan Murphy
- Using the “Two Ways to Live” Model to Help Teenagers Know Jesus by Michael Weeks
- Teaching Teens How to Pray for Their Friends by Heather Holleman
- Short-Term Evangelism with Long-Term Vision: Teach Your Team to Love God by Kendal Conner
- Student Series: Rubbing Elbows with Grace and Nonbelievers in College by Russell Galloway
- Conversions Can’t Be Mass-Produced by Davis Lacey
- Comfort Comes at a Cost: Evangelizing with Teens on the Streets of London by Todd Hill
5 Common Evangelism Excuses by Mark Dever
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever. Quick, short read on equipping your church to evangelize in personal interactions.
Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus by Mack Stiles. A 9Marks resources on evangelism, also a quick read with more practical helps from a man who evangelizes regularly.
Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out: Evangelism the Way Your Were Born to Do It by Alvin Stiles. Accessible and practical, Reid adds to the conversation through his online resources and videos linked with the book. A great tool for training in evangelism.
Honest Evangelism; How to Talk About Jesus Even When It’s Tough by Rico Tice. Short, clear, realistic, and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.
Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City by Timothy Keller. “Based on over twenty years of ministry in New York City, Timothy Keller takes a unique approach that measures a ministry’s success neither by numbers nor purely by the faithfulness of its leaders, but on the biblical grounds of fruitfulness.”
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Gregory Koukl. With an emphasis on grace, Koukl focuses on how to talk with non-believers about the Christian faith.
- Videos